Hey God Flood the Earth Again


Book of the bible: Genesis

Chapters: 6 & 7

This story includes a family, all the animals of the earth, a huge boat, a flood and tells us why nosotros have rainbows.

It all starts with Noah. Did you know that after Noah was 500 years old he had 3 sons? That's pretty onetime hey! Practice y'all know somebody older than xc? After Noah was 500 years old things started getting very interesting for him.

I day as God was thinking most the people on earth His centre became very sad. He could see that all the people had become mean to each other and were non living how God intended them to live. God was so sad that he wanted all the evil to stop.

God does go angry with all the bad stuff that happens in the globe, but he as well loves united states of america even if we exercise the wrong affair.

Noah was the merely ane that was righteous (he did things right). He was spent time with God and grew in his human relationship with him.

God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all this fighting and evil things that people are doing. I am going to destroy them and the earth."

God told Noah that He would make a covenant with him. (A covenant is an understanding with a promise). He would salve Noah, his wife, and his iii sons and their wives. They would be safe in the ark because God was going to flood the whole earth and everything else would dice.

God instructed Noah how to make an ark (boat). He told him what kind of wood and how big to go far. The ark was humongous!

Why do you think the Ark had to be so big? It had to fit Noah, his family, two of every kind of animate being, vii pairs of every kind of bird, and food for everyone on board. What kind of animals practice you think would accept gone on the ark? how big exercise yous retrieve it would have been?

How long do you think information technology would take to build an ark? People say it took over 100 years to build the ark and the Bible says that Noah was 600 years former when the overflowing waters came.

Why did Noah build an ark? (Because God told him to). I have a feeling Noah and his family unit were teased a lot from the other people. What if your neighbour started building a huge boat on your street? What would yous think and say?

When the ark was done God gave Noah 7 days alert before the overflowing to go all the animals and food on lath, and told him that He would send rain for 40 days and 40 nights.

When everyone was in the ark God close the door.

The floods kept coming for twoscore whole days and nights! The ark floated on the h2o and all the loftier mountains were completely covered with h2o. Every living thing died on the globe that wasn't in the ark. Only when it stopped Noah and the animals couldn't simply go out the ark. There was too much water and no land for them to walk on, everything was covered.

The waters flooded the earth for one hundred and fifty days, which is about 5 months.

God remembered Noah and all that was in the ark so he sent a air current to aid dry the world. Finally in the seventh calendar month after the floods had stopped the ark rested on the top of a mountain.

A piddling while after that (40 days) Noah opened a window on the ark and he sent out a pigeon but the dove couldn't detect any identify to get. He waiting a week and and so sent the dove out once again. This time the pigeon came dorsum with an olive leaf which meant the waters had gone down. He waited one more calendar week and allow the pigeon out again and this time it didn't return.

Noah, his family unit and the animals were in the boat for merely over a year or 370 days! That'due south a long time to exist on a boat with all those animals!

When the earth had dried up plenty God told Noah that anybody could get out of the gunkhole. How do yous think everyone would have felt?

Noah congenital an altar to thank God for keeping them safe. When God saw what Noah had done he told Noah that he would never again expletive the ground fifty-fifty if people became very bad.

Then he made al covenant with Noah and with all the animals. God would never bring a flood to kill all living creatures and destroy the whole world again.

God gave a sign for everyone to come across this promise. Can anyone tell me what the sign is? He put a rainbow in the heaven and that's to remind us of the promise God made to Noah, the animals and u.s. today!

Whenever you see a rainbow say a niggling prayer and thank God that he loves us and that He keeps His promises.


Source: https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/4kids/grow/read/noah/

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